Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award

2024-2025 Call for Nominations

Marilyn E. Demorest

We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2024-2025 Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award.

This award is supported by an endowment created by Dr. Marilyn Demorest, Professor Emerita of Psychology and former Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, to “support the advancement of all UMBC faculty members in their academic success at UMBC.” This fund is awarded, annually, to faculty who mentor and/or advise faculty and colleagues in their field. The Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award is conferred for a term of one year upon a UMBC faculty member.

Nominations (or self-nominations) for the 2024-2025 Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award should include:

      • A letter of recommendation (or self-nomination)
      • A current curriculum vitae of the nominee
      • A personal statement of how the nominee would spend the year as the Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Awardee. The statement should make clear the faculty member’s contribution to mentoring and advising faculty.

The Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Award will be appointed by the Provost based upon recommendation of the Honors and Awards Committee of the Faculty Senate. This year there will be one award which will allocate $3,000 to stipend and $500 to a discretionary expense account.

The faculty member’s 2024-2025 contribution, as the Marilyn E. Demorest Faculty Advancement Awardee, to mentoring and advising faculty may involve new initiatives or build upon and enhance or extend prior work with or for faculty. The awardee will work with the Faculty Development Center to plan and implement projects.

Nominations (or self nominations) for the 2024-2025 award are due to the Office of the Provost, uploaded via Box no later than November 15, 2024.

Past Award Recipients

Dr. Marilyn E. Demorest Establishes New Faculty Advancement Fund