NCFDD Faculty Success Program

UMBC is pleased to have an institutional membership with the NCFDD, an independent professional development, training, and mentoring community of over 71,000 graduate students, post-docs, and faculty members. The NCFDD is 100% dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers, offer on-campus
workshops, professional development training, and intensive mentoring programs.

To activate your free account, please visit our NCFDD.


Faculty Success Program
The Faculty Success Program is all about learning the secrets to increasing your research productivity, getting control of your time, and living a full and healthy life beyond your campus. As the NCFDD’s signature program, the Faculty Success Program is specifically designed to transform your personal and professional life.

The program is for tenure-track and tenured faculty who are looking for the perfect combination of empirically-tested methods to improve research productivity through intense accountability, coaching, and peer support and to propel their work-life balance and personal growth to a whole new level.


Hear from some of our previous participants:

“I would highly recommend the program to faculty at any stage in their career. I found the combination of practical advice on how to establish a daily writing habit one of the most useful components of the program. But I also really appreciated the emphasis on establishing work-life balance, building a realistic schedule, and some of the meta-career reflection that the program asks you to do. As someone invested in building equity for faculty of color in higher education, I found that the network of support that NCFDD offers to be an unparalleled resource and one that I will draw upon throughout my career.”

 -Tamara Bhalla, Associate Professor of American Studies 

“This program was incredibly transformative and insightful. Within my small group, I was able to have deep conversations about my goals and the strategies necessary to achieve them. I was also able to forge valuable relationships with other scholars which–given the isolation characteristic of the COVID-19 pandemic–became a lifeline for building a sense of community. This program helps you figure out how to be a better scholar and sharpen your vision of what’s possible.”

Earl Brooks, Assistant Professor of English 

 “The FSP codified a number of best practices for new faculty that I realized I was already using, such as weekly personal planning sessions and timing my daily writing. I combined these tactics with new approaches, including productivity analysis and mapping out a list of my mentors order to identify my mentoring needs. These methods allow me to develop data on my own performance and I believe they will help me to be a better and more balanced writer, academic, and person.”

Mercedes Burns, Assistant Professor of Biological Science

“Before joining the NCFDD Faculty Success Program (FSP), I was already an organized person and my research productivity was consistent with my department’s expectations. I was not sure about what I was going to gain from the program, but I was hoping to achieve a better balance between work and wellness. The program focuses on activities that lack in-built accountability, such as research and wellness. The small groups with coaches are friendly “safe spaces” to share, learn and encourage. I learned principles and practices that have helped me achieve professional goals without feeling overwhelmed by the middle of every semester.” -Felipe Filomeno, Assistant Professor of Political Science

Associate Professor 2020

“I believe this program helped me to stay on track and maintain the accountability to continue working toward my professional goals for the summer. For example I: a)  completed my Research and Teaching Statement for my Dossier, b) completed analysis and have a draft of a paper for a Sociological Journal- Contexts, which will be submitted in the next couple of weeks, c) Chaired a completed Masters paper, d) graded an LLC student’s comps, e) presented at conferences, and f) collaborated on a grant that was submitted with senior faculty in the School of Public Policy and Psychology. I am extremely for grateful for the generous support that UMBC has provided in allowing me the chance to participate in the FSP.”

-Loren Henderson, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Anthropology, and Health Administration and Policy

Associate Professor 2019

Karuna Pande Joshi“I found the NCFDD Spring 2020 Faculty Success Program to be very useful to learn new techniques for improving my writing discipline and identifying challenges associated with writing productivity. This course helped me participate in a community of fellow academics from a similar background in other Universities and appreciate the importance of a strong peer network for career success. I now understand my research strengths and challenges better and that for me was the most valuable benefit of this training.”

Karuna P. Joshi, Assistant Professor or Information Systems

Associate Professor 2020

“Participating in the FSP program was a great experience. The weekly calls with my small group were very enlightening and I gained a lot hearing different perspectives on the weekly topic. My group had become quite close by the end of the semester; so much so that we have stayed in touch and continue to have monthly calls. In addition to the discussions, the weekly activities helped reinforce research and writing best practices by explaining the psychology behind typical avoidance behaviors as well as providing practical techniques and strategies for conquering them.”

– Andrea Kleinsmith, Assistant Professor of Information Systems

Associate Professor, 2021

“I found the NCFDD Success Program to be really transformative. It completely changed my thinking about how I organize my work life, how to achieve work/life balance, and how to manage a large research group. It should be absolutely required for every assistant professor! I am still in contact with my mentoring group and we’ve continued to work on our goals together.”

-Eileen Meyer, Assistant Professor of Physics